Joeys Pizza Service Jena West

Erfurter Straße 2, Jena
5 Bewertungen
+49 3641 457957

Joeys Pizza Service Jena West Auf der Karte anzeigen


Falk Steingroewer (02.11.2017 17:06)
Pizza nicht mehr so gut wie am Anfang
YumaFenil (20.09.2017 20:14)
Vorher Joey's Pizza nun Dominos, immer pünktlich, lecker und freundlich! Mit guter Online-Bestellmöglichkeit und App-Unterstützt! Über den Preis kann man sich streiten, aber ich finde der Preis passt zur Qualität
Chris Willert (12.09.2017 16:17)
Nirgends bekommt man das Essen in Jena besser und schneller geliefert als hier.
Jevon Greatorex (07.09.2017 07:55)
The food was really good this time. It's hit and miss at times.
James Tauber (16.05.2016 21:19)
Best food you can get in jena. 30 minute delivery guarantee (only missed this target once and I received a 2 Euro coupon for a future online purchase). Variety of pizzas, some salads and pastas and drinks. Only complaints are that the cooked dough is never really crispy so the bottom of the pizza is quite soft and that sometimes I don't get my chili pepper packets as requested. Future edit: 30 min guarantee no longer available. ..why? It's such a good business model and the city is small (if ordering from downtown ). Crust still undercooked but okay. Sometimes there are problems with the coupons. They should offer more deals because it's already an expensive franchise.

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Deutschland, Jena